Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Babu Moshai

Been reading Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay.
Fiery pen.
This is the second author I've picked up from Bengal after reading Tagore a few times. All happenschance -- whenever I see the crosswords in the mall I go to nearby, I indulge myself and buy a book.

Srikanta was unputdownable and so were others, Palli Samaj, Brij Bou, Devdas. I started skipping pages the material was so much.
How these guys could fill so many pages. I guess I know -- remember those kids who would took supplements after supplements in the final exam? Some people are born with it.

Or is it that they write because they must -- compelled by desire to express themselves.
Whatever may be the reason, it's good they wrote for I sure appreciate it.

I want to say something of the chars but I've forgotten most of it. If you just want the key takeaway from me like my MBA friends do: Tagore's prose is sophisticated -- elite. His poetry suits more to bollywood. Sarat Guru's prose is raw. Earthy if you believe in that cliche. Suits to bollywood -- Parineeta, Devdas.

But there is a similarity in their writings. Both of them make a commentary on the state of people and the nation in their works which is a joy to read if you are into that kind of stuff -- where you want to find out what them people were like in that age which seems so far away in time, a past which is not ours for we weren't even born then and yet it is somehow.

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