Monday, August 10, 2015

Smart phone interest India

India becomes hottest smartphone market and the space is crowded with several players. Will iphone run away here as well? For now micromax rules in terms of search interest..

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Saturday, August 8, 2015

What people want

Love continues be a human need. But guess what is catching up

Friday, August 7, 2015

Who is a hit

Could be co-related to the movie stars smashing records on the box office over and over again

Sunday, August 10, 2014


dhoondhte hain nishan
kahin dhime si sulgi ho shayad

woh aag jo abhi baki

dhoondhte hain nishan
khudi main dabi si ho shayad

woh baat jo abhi baki hai

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The net has arrived in India?

A non celebrity on youtube with view counts in thousands, and 130k+ in this cover of a recently famous song. Well that's nothing new -- but for someone singing in Hindi, on Youtube india -- I think it is amazing and a sign of times to come.

With a population of 1.2+ billion, when will we have talent connecting with the masses through them internets, creating, achieving, and enriching each others lives?

So you would say it's bound to happen. Well,  maybe not. Apparently India has an internet penetration of 150 million only and there's 600m lying untapped, and the reasons Eric Schmidt suggests are that lack of infra connectivity, fast fibre and the government complacency.

Hmm, with all due respect that might be true but I think there's another key reason why people don't have the internet connectivity -- they haven't needed it so far.

An expensive item like a computer plus a monthly fee for high speed internet is beyond the reach of the poor and of no use for the ones a bit better off. They did rather buy a better TV.  A computer + internet doesn't help them fulfill any necessities.

That seems to be changing with Facebook and small but slowly growing list of dot com's which have a brand name that means saving money for the consumer -- like Flipkart. Yes my aunts are on facebook, my uncle has bought stuff from flipkart and that is enough data for me to proclaim the change.

Eric -- if you can help them save money, make money, or get a better deal, they'll come :). Knowledge, information, entertainment, doesn't just cut it.

Meanwhile, do click on the song if you are reading, it has been sung well imho.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Babu Moshai

Been reading Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay.
Fiery pen.
This is the second author I've picked up from Bengal after reading Tagore a few times. All happenschance -- whenever I see the crosswords in the mall I go to nearby, I indulge myself and buy a book.

Srikanta was unputdownable and so were others, Palli Samaj, Brij Bou, Devdas. I started skipping pages the material was so much.
How these guys could fill so many pages. I guess I know -- remember those kids who would took supplements after supplements in the final exam? Some people are born with it.

Or is it that they write because they must -- compelled by desire to express themselves.
Whatever may be the reason, it's good they wrote for I sure appreciate it.

I want to say something of the chars but I've forgotten most of it. If you just want the key takeaway from me like my MBA friends do: Tagore's prose is sophisticated -- elite. His poetry suits more to bollywood. Sarat Guru's prose is raw. Earthy if you believe in that cliche. Suits to bollywood -- Parineeta, Devdas.

But there is a similarity in their writings. Both of them make a commentary on the state of people and the nation in their works which is a joy to read if you are into that kind of stuff -- where you want to find out what them people were like in that age which seems so far away in time, a past which is not ours for we weren't even born then and yet it is somehow.