Sunday, September 4, 2011

Random surf

One evening, friends and I ended up discussing out of body experience among other normal things that we usually talk about.

Being the youtube junkie I am, I found a youtube in which a math prof goes around research centers exploring the answer to another question and undergoes, an obe. What else can you expect of a math prof anyway.

There are a lot of other interesting experiments in his video, like for example, for a particular experiment, the experimenter could predict exactly 6 seconds in advance what the decision would be before the person making the decision them self had made it, consciously.

The secret you

Here's another video where the researchers are scanning the brains of tibetan monks to understand the affects of their meditation

Transform Your Mind, Change Your Brain

1 comment:

  1. nice videos....
    recently, i saw couple videos...

    well, i may not understood them deeply...but at least they make a good fairy tales :)
