Friday, June 11, 2010

Visit to a local grocery store

The local grocery store called more has two counters, no self-checkout. And so to get out faster, you have to make your calculations.

Monologue follows.

"okay, the girl scanning stuff on this counter was really slow last time while the other girl scanned 5 people with bunch of stuff. But the other counter has two people with a months shopping. Dilemma. Choose the fast scanner"

Done, now wait. Explore the basket in front.

Look around, stare at walls, read inane stuff on products.

"okay, they are almost done. Damn, where did the wife and kids come from, they got two more baskets. wish I had been in the other line, 5 people done there already"

Read more inanity. Sigh.

Somehow, I always get stuck in the wrong line, and the other line goes faster. Yeh dil mange no more.

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